Use "mistreat|mistreated|mistreating|mistreats" in a sentence

1. 4 Security forces are accused of mistreating prisoners.

2. He mistreated his horses, and it goes without saying that he mistreated his family.

3. 2 Both parents have denied charges of mistreating their children.

4. I hate to see books being mistreated.

5. “It is all too common today to see people mistreating others.

6. 12 It is against the law to mistreat an animal.

7. Mistreating others because you have a Comparatively higher income is morally wrong

8. 26 The one who mistreats his father and drives away his mother

9. They're adamant when they feel they're being mistreated.

10. 6 I hate to see books being mistreated.

11. The zooman was arrested, because he mistreated animals.

12. What does Bullyrag mean? To mistreat or intimidate by bullying

13. Punish those who tyrannize over us and arrogantly mistreat us.

14. He is alleged to have mistreated the prisoners.

15. What does Abusive mean? Involving or characterized by abuse or misuse; abusing; mistreating

16. She has been mistreated by men in the past.

17. 13 It is illegal to mistreat rats in Denver,[] Colorado.

18. My mother took to drinking, and she joined my stepfather in mistreating me.

19. 3 He is alleged to have mistreated the prisoners.

20. The soldiers mistreated the inmates from morning till night.

21. 1 It is alleged that he mistreated the prisoners.

22. 5 She has been mistreated by men in the past.

23. So she does have cause to feel mistreated by him.

24. Something He is Alleged to have mistreated the prisoners

25. 17 Yet many people unwittingly mistreat their hair by eating an unbalanced diet.

26. I think people who mistreat their pets should be banned from keeping them.

27. Throughout the camp's operation, guards would regularly beat and mistreat prisoners.

28. 16 Punish those who tyrannize over us and arrogantly mistreat us.

29. Does this mean that humans have the right to mistreat animals?

30. When we are mistreated or misunderstood, how do we respond?

31. Attack me! Hurt me! Torture me! Humiliate me! Mistreat me! Persecute me!

32. Antonyms for Cossets include abuses, ill-treats, ill-uses, maltreats, manhandles, mishandles, mistreats, misuses, ignores and neglects

33. White, pure and innocent, like a child who was hurt and mistreated.

34. If you are mistreated at work, you'll be tempted to get even.

35. 15 Do not mistreat an alien or oppress him, for you were aliens in Egypt.

36. Find out how to deal with Bailiffs and complain if you’ve been mistreated

37. 29 Not long after the wedding, the wife began to mistreat her stepdaughter.

38. 27 For the sake of good conscience, we should not mistreat other people.

39. 14 Attack me! Hurt me! Torture me! Humiliate me! Mistreat me! Persecute me!

40. It is Alleged (that)… It is Alleged that he mistreated the prisoners

41. Whatever the case was, God called those traffickers in human life to account for mistreating his people.

42. 7 I think people who mistreat their pets should be banned from keeping them.

43. 33 “‘If a foreigner resides with you in your land, you must not mistreat him.

44. Romanos mistreated Zoe and she began to look around for a suitable replacement.

45. 18 According to a recent report, many detainees claim that police have mistreated them.

46. After the way he mistreated his wife, she will have no truck with him.

47. In other Bible translations, the word “afflict” is rendered “abuse,” “mistreat,” and “take advantage of.”

48. 28 The child then concludes that it is permissible to mistreat younger or smaller children.

49. But if mistreated or oppressed, the child will wither inside and possibly die spiritually.

50. People should be educated in the way they would feel if they were mistreated.

51. Alternatively, they may have been mistreated, and so only respond to that particular stimulus.

52. On the street these cats are often mistreated and have to deal with cold and hunger.

53. It Is a pity to see such a fine physique mistreated In this way, Captain.

54. Synonyms for Bad mouth include wrong, malign, misrepresent, mistreat, abuse, harm, hurt, injure, dishonour and defame

55. 11 David Copperfield about a poor boy who is mistreated by people that was very sad.

56. 8 In the past, officers who mistreated prisoners often received a mere slap on the wrist.

57. A Bully is always a coward proverb A Bully will only mistreat others perceived to be weaker

58. 10 Alternatively, they may have been mistreated, and so only respond to that particular stimulus.

59. When we are being mistreated, we have the assurance that our God will vindicate us.

60. David Copperfield about a poor boy who is mistreated by people that was very sad.

61. Abusive is an adjective used to describe a person who abuses a person or an animal—mistreats and causes harm to them

62. 22 Caroline would give me hell for evermore if she thought I'd mistreated her best friend.

63. Spread loss is a typical example that interest rate risk is mistreated by life insurance companies.

64. A bully is always a Coward proverb A bully will only mistreat others perceived to be weaker

65. 23 The dangers of the Naples street-life did not bother her; she believed that no one would mistreat her.

66. 20 C., to beg forgiveness for the way black men had mistreated their women and neglected their families.

67. Antonyms for Cosseted include abused, ill-treated, ill-used, maltreated, manhandled, mishandled, mistreated, misused, ignored and neglected

68. C., to beg forgiveness for the way black men had mistreated their women and neglected their families.

69. Then, of course, they complain to the Herald, and the Herald thinks the inmates are being mistreated.

70. Percival was off mistreating Irish Republican Army (IRA) leaders during the Anglo-Irish War before commanding British Malaya in World War II.

71. 27 Percival was off mistreating Irish Republican Army (IRA) leaders during the Anglo-Irish War before commanding British Malaya in World War II.

72. 25 The little robber girl: A feisty and spoiled robber girl, she kept many animal pets but mistreated them.

73. The little robber girl: A feisty and spoiled robber girl, she kept many animal pets but mistreated them.

74. Or when an abusive man mistreats his wife and children in private but in public puts on the pretense of being a model family man.

75. 26 Then, over a light lunch, which had set her mistreated tastebuds drooling, she had planned her strategy.

76. 19 Then, of course, they complain to the Herald, and the Herald thinks the inmates are being mistreated.

77. And then Harold saw it. A damaged and terribly mistreated sea - foam - green Fender staring back at him.

78. 21 She won't have anything to do with the boy and my husband has said she used to mistreat him.

79. Mary's of Bethlehem Asylum, known as "Bedlam," Nell Bowen (Anna Lee) is concerned that the patients are being mistreated

80. Forgiveness is the heartfelt decision to release the person who hurt you from the obligation incurred when you were mistreated.